Our Parent Champion Project offers support to parents and caregivers of children and young people.

We offer support to parents and carers of children and young people aged between 11-24 years old at risk of, or already experiencing, serious youth violence, exploitation and/or grooming.

If you’re a parent who needs support navigating the education, criminal justice, or social care system(s), you’ll get the help you need from our Parent Champion project.

A smiling teenage boy wearing a red top is standing next to his mother who is listening to his headphones and laughing

As part of the Parent Champion project we hold workshops and training sessions to share and discuss the risks facing our young people to help parents and carers explore the issues, know the signs and potential interventions, and to give them the space to talk about their own experiences.

“Everything about it – the information was positive. I’m planning to be part of the Parent Champions and I’ve not attended a meeting like this before. I’ve recently retired and it’s just down my road. It was positive – and I’ll come back.”
Workshop participant


We’re recruiting volunteers to be trained as Champions

If you are a parent or care giver (living in Hackney) and interested in becoming a Parent/Carers Champion (PCC). You can view the person specification by clicking here.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a Parent Champion before applying, we would be happy to speak with you, contact us at mail@claudiajones.org or call 020 7241 1646.