We’re a membership organisation and want everyone who uses our services to be a part of the CJO family. You’ll find Information below on how to on how to begin or renew your Membership is below along with a list of the distinct types of Memberships that the charity offers.

Full Membership

Shall be open to any person or family of African-Caribbean origin or descent, whether born in Africa, the Caribbean the United Kingdom, or other countries and, who resides in Hackney and surrounding areas. Membership shall be recognised upon, payment of the appropriate annual fee.

Annual membership fees

Membership falling within these categories is entitled to full privileges, which includes the right to hold executive posts and voting rights on all occasions when a vote is taken.

Senior Citizens/Students   £8.00

Family Membership    £20.00
(maximum two adults & children under 16)

Individual Membership     £17.00

Associate membership

Associate Membership    £15.00

Associate membership is open to anyone interested in supporting the objectives of the organisation. Associate membership shall not have full voting rights; voting shall be at the discretion of the full members present at the meeting at which the vote is taken. If you need clarification about the Nominee section on the form please don’t worry as this will be explained to you when we have received you application form.

Fill out our online form (via Microsoft Forms)


Download form and return it via email

The Membership covers the calendar year January to December. If you’ve already paid your membership for this year, you don’t need to complete the membership form.

Please return your completed application form to or post to Katherine Marshall, Claudia Jones Organisation, 103 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 8BX.

Please send your payment to
NatWest Bank
Sort Code       60-20-32
Account no.   11016809

Please use the words CJOM (CurrentYear) (Initials) eg. ‘CJOM24KM’ to reference your payment

The data will be used for automatic processing with regards to annual membership, keeping you informed by post and electronically and including your name and category on our membership list. In compliance with the Data Protection Act the information on this form will be kept on a database. Please see our Privacy Policy available by calling 0207 241 1646 or email us at