Central to our work, is our commitment to be family-centred

Everything we do is underpinned with our desire to strengthen resilience and empower individuals to make positive life choices.

We work in partnership with families (some of whom have complex needs) to build connections, knowledge, and trust to raise a family’s awareness and understanding of the issues that could have a negative impact on family life.

Families don’t have to be in crisis or experiencing difficulties to call us. If you just want a chat, or just want to have someone listen to you, a member of our friendly team will be there for you.

Our aim is to raise self-esteem, confidence, and aspirations of families. Our conversations with families cover many aspects of their lives including the areas shown below and other issues as they arise.

  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Education and Skills
  • Social & Environmental
  • Money Management
  • Family
  • Family mediation
  • Advice
  • Signposting



Parent Champion Project

Our Parent Champion Project offers support to parents and caregivers of children and young people.

Family Support/Advocacy

Family Support/Advocacy is a simple way to help identify needs of children and families and plan to meet those needs.